Night Mayan Temazcal Purification Ceremony / Майянская ночь + индейская церемония очищения Темаскаль

Observe what a day in the Mayan community is like. They live in accordance to the ancient Mayan traditions, enjoy a unique and magic experience and learn more about ancient culture participating in an authentic Mayan purification ritual - Temazcal, guided by a real shaman. After the ritual is over you will be invited to typical Mayan dinner with a family from the community which take place deep into the rainforest. During all the time you are accompanied by a professional cer-tificated guide who will will provide you with the detailed information about everything you see, taste and feel. The tour takes place in the evening hours and includes round transportation from your hotel. The tour will start with hotel pick up. Then, you will arrive to the ecological reserve “Dos Palmas”, a small Mayan community in the forest, that maintains its traditions. Here you will visit a typical Mayan cabin where you will learn about its old customs. You will have an intro-duction to the ceremony of Mayan purification. You will learn to play the sea snail, which you will use during the ritual to unite to us with the nature. Meet with the Shaman around the ceremonial circle where you will be part of a spectacular ancestral ritual of purification and will have the unique opportunity to enter the Temazcal (old sacred steam bath). Walk in the rain forest until arriving at the illuminated natural well (cenote) at night to swim in crystalline waters. It is an unfor-gettable experience to enjoy this moment to take energy and to relax. Hot Chocolate is served in a typical Mayan jicara, which you will be able to keep as a gift. Enjoy a typical Mayan dinner with a family from the community before going back to your hotel.

Предлагаем Вам стать участником древнего индейского ритуала и провести вечер очищения в «доме горячих камней»! В компании опытного гида Вас ждет вечерняя прогулка по тропическому лесу, посещение настоящего поселения потомков майя, знакомство с традиционным индейским ритуалом «Тесамскаль» и участие в нем в сопровождении опытного шамана. Древние майя считали, что темаскаль – это чрево земли, пройдя через которое, Вы рождаетесь заново. Эту церемонию проходили перед всеми важными событиями, чтобы очиститься от всего плохого и негативного, набраться сил и прогнать все болезни и напасти. По окончании ритуала Вас ждет купание в карстовом лесном озере и вкусный ужин в майянском стиле.

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